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Helping Ourselves Master Everyday
Founded in Faith-Joined in Love -Kept by God

Weekly Services, recurring monthly events and February/March Events  (not in date order)             
All events held on site at the above address. Some require registration that is included in the details. 

Time to Save The Date for the Spring Mind Body Spirit Fair on March 15th. Free admission with each vendor/practitioner setting their fees.
Contact Madge for Practitioner or vendor registration before all the spots fill up!

Sunday Weekly Service at 11 AM

Join us for our Metaphysical Sunday Message and Fellowship afterwards. Come early from 10:15-10:45 for chair Reiki from the Reiki Ministerial Team. Donations gratefully accepted to maintain this all volunteer Spiritual Center.



Reiki Share
Friday February 14th 6:30-8:00pm

This is a recurring 2nd Friday of the month event. 


All levels of Reiki interest and skill are welcome.


Are you looking for a space to practice?

Are you curious about the benefits of Reiki?

Are you wanting to share space with like-minded folks?

If so, join us!

$15 suggested donation 




Sacred Sound Bath with Jerry Smith
Friday  February 7th  7pm

This is a recurring 1st Friday of the month event. 


Sliding Scale (you choose what is right for you) $22-$33

Contact Jerry by text or call with any questions ~ 541.870.9199


Bring something comfortable to lay down like a yoga mat, blanket or pillows for sitting or lying down.

Bring plenty of water - hydration is key.


Jerry will be sharing the most natural and primal form of healing at this sound bath event using crystal and brass instruments tuned to the 432Hz & natural Solfeggio frequencies of the universe which will open our path for deep relaxation and gentle realignment to our natural state.


This powerful sonic practice directly supports balancing of the chakras and clearing of our energy bodies which opens the door to limitless possibilities in healing the body, mind and spirit.


Arrive 10 minutes early to find your best space for the experience. Practice mindfulness during the experience and be open to receive and relax. Feel free to bring an Altar item of your own to charge in the delightful theater of healing sounds and to bring back home to your own sacred space.

​Your Spirit Guide and Past Life Regression with Robert Zakian
February 15th, 10 am - 1 pm

Cost: $40 for 3-hour workshop

Robert has offered numerous workshops since 2001, helping individuals expand their awareness on many levels.

In this special interactive workshop, you will have an opportunity to transcend limitations and have clarity in all aspects
of your life. Spirit Guides offer guidance and clarity regarding relationships, purpose, work, and much more.


Past Life Regression: you will discover a number of lifetimes that were of significant importance in formulating who you are today.



Seven Candles Meditation
by Madge Peinkofer
Saturday March 22nd 10 to 12 pm.

Saturday, February 22 nd 11am suggested donation $10 (no one will be turned away)
This meditation will super charge your life and bring you to the center of our heart with peace, joy, service, love, and
abundance. This is a meditation to help us navigate the changing and challenging time we are experiencing.

Wednesday Weekly Service at 7 PM

A time for educational sharing of the various components of metaphysical concepts, such as crystals, nature of the universe, ancient wisdom, the unexplained, alternative healing concepts. Intuitive messages shared with attendees. Donations gratefully accepted for this all volunteer Spiritual Center.



Salem Soul Sister Circle
Friday   February 21st 6:30-8:30pm

This is a recurring third Friday of the

month event.


​Join us as we gather for another powerful sister circle!
~Bring your journal, alter item, water and whatever else you need to nurture

~Invite a friend!
     For more information text

     Jennifer Rothrock 503-871-5820


$20 Donation suggested Cash or Paypal​

Psychic Circle
Saturday March 1st 10am-12pm

This is a recurring 1st Saturday of the month event. 


This month we will be exploring and practicing Psychometry-the ability to sense and read information through touch. Often called Clairtangency "clear touching" is the ability to gain insights about past, present, and future by touching or holding objects in the material world.​

​This  is a safe and sacred space to practice intuition, intuitive messages, mediumship, channeling, psychometry, and much more. Our circle will include meditation, psychic activation exercises, practice, and developing connections with others on a similar path.

Please bring a yoga mat or blanket, journal, and water. â€‹

This circle has been created for those with a desire to connect to their own unique psychic gifts/abilities and to practice with other intuitives in the community. This is a group for all levels and abilities. 


Cost $12-$15 (sliding scale *Cash or PayPal*​

Obtain Freedom from Worry
with Robert Zakian
Saturday March 22nd 10 to 12 pm.

Cost: $30

Robert has offered numerous workshops since 2001, helping individuals expand their awareness on many levels.

Robert will show you how to release worry from all aspects of your life. By letting go of worry, you will attain liberation from the chains of past thinking. He will also share how living in a three-dimensional world plays a significant part in worry.


This is a time to spread your wings of all encumbrances and sing for the share joy of doing so.


Robert encompasses the spirituality of

India and the psychology of the West in

all his workshops and intuitive readings.



Yoga Class by Anjel -MushroomMoon Yoga
Mondays at  5pm-6pm

New class announcement! This is a recurring every Monday class. 


Join Anjel, certified Yoga teacher and owner of Mushroom Moon Yoga, for a gentle flow yoga class. Anjel will lead the class in an all-levels yoga class. Class is $10/ per student/per class, cash preferred, but will also accept Venmo. Bring a yoga mat, any props, water, and a crystal for our tuning in mediation..

‘Rising Sons Brotherhood’ Men’s Group February 20th 6:30 pm

This is a recurring third Thursday of the month event.


All you brothers that are looking for a supportive and empowering group this might be for you.


​Donation suggested​

"One Spirit" Drum Circle led by Madge Peinkofer "White Cloud Feather"
Saturday February 15th 1pm-3pm

This is a recurring event on the second Saturday of the month. 


Come and join this universal drum circle for healing rhythms and song/chants. We have extra drums and rattles and no experience needed. Suggested donation $10

​Reiki Master Practice Sessions
noon to 1:15 

NEW event! This is a group session for Reiki Masters to practice their skills. 


Recurring event every 1st and 3rd  Tuesday.


Open only to people certified Reiki I or higher.  We are an informal group. Tables are provided.  We start with
self-Reiki and then trade sessions.  Suggested donation to the Home Spiritual Center is $5 each time.  

Call Debbie Lee (503)999-7365 or Lori Turner (503)910-6435 if you have any questions.  

Equinox Mind Body Spirit Fair
Saturday March 15 th 11am – 5pm

Free entry, each practitioner/vendor sets their fees.


Salem’s longest running Mind Body Spirit Fair

Tarot, Intuitive Readings, Reiki, Healing, Crystals, Jewelry, and so much more.



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