Weekly Services and September Events
All events held on site at the above address. Some require registration that is included in the details.
We are pleased to welcome some new practitioners/workshop leaders to the HOME Spiritual Center events offerings. Please look at their information below.
Sunday Weekly Service at 11 AM
Join us for our Metaphysical Sunday Message and Fellowship afterwards. Come early from 10:15-10:45 for chair Reiki from the Reiki Ministerial Team. Donations gratefully accepted to maintain this all volunteer Spiritual Center.
‘Rising Sons Brotherhood’ Men’s Group
Thursday Sept 19th 6:30-8:30 PM
This is a recurring third Thursday of the month event.
All you brothers that are looking for a supportive and empowering group this might be for you.
Topic this month is "Boundaries".
Donation suggested
Live the Life You Desire Workshop with Jan Boal
Friday, September 27th
Jan Boal is our other new workshop leader.
Feel Trapped in The Jungle of Life’s Challenges?
Discover the 5 Step Blueprint & Call in Your Inner Warrior!
Live The Life You Desire
What you will learn: *Identify your desires *Attract what you want in your life *Recognize the signs
*Overcome Obstacles *Master your intentions and create a vision
This event is for you if you're ... *Unsure how to change your path *Fear pursuing your desires
*Feel something is missing
Cost $20
Jan Boal - The Positive Vibes Nurse, Psychiatric RN, Honorary Maasai Warrior, Ancient Wisdom/Shamanic Practitioner, Author, Cannabis Nurse
Jan has over 25 years of experience in her field. At 52, after making some major life changes, she began her journey to help others navigate through their fears and challenges. She now creates workshops and offers one on one coaching to empower individuals to take charge of their lives.
Wednesday Weekly Service
at 7 PM
A time for educational sharing of the various components of metaphysical concepts, such as crystals, nature of the universe, ancient wisdom, the unexplained, alternative healing concepts. Intuitive messages shared with attendees. Donations gratefully accepted for this all volunteer Spiritual Center.
On September 18th, we have a guest speaker, Jan Boal, RN, The topic is her experiences in Africa. She will have her book with her that is available for purchase. "Safari of the Soul" .
Jan Boal - The Positive Vibes Nurse
Psychiatric RN, Honorary Maasai Warrior, Ancient Wisdom/Shamanic Practitioner, Author, Cannabis Nurse
Jan Boal has over 25 years of experience in her field. At 52, after making some major life changes, she began her journey to help others navigate through their fears and challenges. She now creates workshops and offers one on one coaching to empower individuals to take charge of their lives.
Salem Soul Sister Circle
Friday, Sept 20th 6:30-8:30pm
This is a recurring third Friday of the month event.
This month's topic is Burning the Embers of Gratitude.
Join us as we gather for another powerful sister circle!
~Bring your journal, alter item, water and whatever else you need to nurture yourself!
~Invite a friend!
For more information text Jennifer Rothrock 503-871-5820
$20 Donation suggested Cash or Paypal
​'Awakening the Heart' ∞ with Brian Lottman, Wandering Monk
Monday, October 14th 6:30pm
Float in a blissful sound bath of musical chanting
Suggested donation $30
Bask in the holy vibrations of mantra music and reverential sound of the harmonium, calling forth the awakening of the soul. Brian speaks in a dynamic way about the nature of Truth and Existence.
As a wandering monk, Brian has held hundreds of these “Satsang’s” at yoga studios, churches, and spiritual centers all over the US and Canada. Satsang is an immersion into profound states of consciousness through energy healing, mystical mantra, sweet harmonium music and guided meditation.
Satsang means “association with higher Truth.” In these sacred gatherings, Brian speaks about the nature of Truth and Love, and he recounts his amazing adventures as a monk and renunciant. He tells ancient tales about the mystical lives of saints. He holds a transformative space to bring the mind into deeper states of meditation. He plays harmonium and leads kirtan.
More about Brian at www.stirtheheart.com
Twelve years ago, Brian, a wandering monk, renounced his former life and set out on the road to share the mystical path to Self-Realization. He has held hundreds of gatherings at spiritual centers, churches, and yoga studios all over the country. He is an inspirational speaker and a meditation teacher.
‘One Spirit’ Drum Circle (***NOTE: change in date***)
3rd Saturday, September 21st
1pm - 3pm
We will have a great time! Come and join this universal drum circle for healing rhythms and song/chants. We have extra
drums and rattles and no experience needed.
Note: In September Drum Circle will be one week later, on the 3rd Saturday September 21st.
$10 suggested donation
Intro -The 10 Spiritual Bodies & the Path to Radiance with Fateh Prem Khur
Saturday September 21st 2-5pm
Fateh is one of our new workshop presenters who is presenting an intro workshop and a 11 week course - both fully described below.
Fateh Prem Kaur is a level 2 Kundalini Yoga teacher and teacher trainer as well as a Karam Kriya Applied Sacred
Numerology Consultant. Working as a Health Coach, Wellness Consultant and Yoga teacher since 2015, her path
continually pulled her towards transcendent healing through working with the journey of the Soul and its
relationship to spirit. She teaches Kundalini classes and trainings and consults in private session with individuals on a spiritual healing journey. A native of the Western United States, she has lived in Europe from 2006 and recently moved back to the USA with her son to live near family.
The first workshop on Sept 21st is a walk through our 10 spiritual bodies, each with their own function, intelligence, superpowers and weaknesses. We learn our 10 spiritual bodies to know who we are and to know how to become the best possible version of ourselves. Cost is $30
The 10 Spiritual Bodies 11-week Course: Activating Our Radiance is on the following Thursdays: September 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24, November 7, 14, 21, December 5, 12, 19 6:30-8pm
Cost is $200
This course takes the basics of what we learned in the Introduction to the 10 spiritual bodies workshop and goes deeply into each body with meditations, exercises and discussions. It is a total tune up of your multi-dimensionality. We will work to refine each of our 10 bodies and clear what blocks our natural divine radiant light.